Private Peaceful Day: screenings
Michael Morpurgo will launch Private Peaceful Day on March 31 with a live Q&A via satellite following special screenings of the film for…
The power of nurture
A conference that aims to collate for the first time the most important research demonstrating the effectiveness of nurture groups in child…
Riding the storms…an educational opportunity
The UK is currently experiencing its wettest winter on record, with strong winds also battering the country. The South West of England…
New ITT programme launched for financial mathematics teaching
Financial education charity pfeg (Personal Finance Education Group) is to launch a major new Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programme in…
TrueTube’s search for a star
TrueTube.co.uk is offering students the chance to record a voiceover in a professional recording studio to feature on an Easter story film,…
The Burning Question: Could the new curriculum stifle students’ creativity?
Asked by: Colin Hussey, Serif (educationblog.serif.com) I do think there is certainly a risk that the new curriculum will stifle the…
The Burning Question: should poetry have a place in the secondary curriculum?
Asked by: Allie Esiri, co-creator of the iF Poems ap (ifpoems.com) A poem can be more powerful than a history book and more consoling than a…
Is there anything schools can do to protect students from forced marriage?
In a forced marriage, the person does not consent to the marriage and does not have the right to choose. This is very different from…
Why poor teaching is losing designers for the nation, by Wayne Hemingway
"When our eldest son, Jack, was studying D&T at school, he designed a shed. He called it ‘ShedQuarters’, and prepared an illustration…
BURNING QUESTION: What’s the point of rethinking your curriculu
Asked by: Richard P King, Youth and Schools Team, Oxfam Campaigns Today’s policy environment presents significant opportunity for putting…
Breaking Barriers in Language Learning - conference
A national conference promoting foreign languages is being organised by Nottingham Trent University. Breaking Barriers in Language Learning…
Burning Question: Is there such a thing as too much information for parents?
Asked by: Geoff Jones, director, ParentMail (parentmail.co.uk) With research continually reiterating the significant role that parents can…
Asked by: Alex Shapland-Howes, MD, Future First (futurefirst.org.uk) I recently heard the Headteacher of a high-profile public school…