The If Odyssey

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​Homer’s epic poem about Odysseus’ journey home after the Trojan War has been delighting and intriguing readers for nearly three thousand years, and each thrilling chapter has as much to offer today’s teens as it did the original audience – especially when Peter Worley, one of the UK’s most passionate advocates of philosophy for children, presents the scenes with vibrant storytelling and the timeless ethical dilemmas at their heart fully but neutrally exposed for exploration. However you choose to use this brilliant book (perhaps as the focus for an after-school philosophy club; the framework for a term of cross-curricular lessons to develop critical thinking with your KS3 students; or simply as a springboard for a specific learning session), it’s bound to result in an enjoyable and rewarding experience for you and your students alike. The if Odyssey is also available as an eBook (£12.99), and an online supplement on the companion website includes further resources.