What I learnt at school: Cerys Matthews
I found secondary school frustrating, on the whole. I had always been a curious child, keen to know, to learn, to find things out – and my…
Why education isn’t about traditional vs progressive
It is easy to be duped into believing that there are only two alternative ways of being a school in England these days. You either have a…
Tom Starkey on learning to live with your colleagues
Even if you’re naturally beloved by all, like yours truly (I haven’t heard any different, alright?), statistically, you’re bound to…
Expert advice: CPD
Q I teach maths and PE at a relatively small, LA controlled secondary school in a rural area of the South East. It’s a friendly and…
ROCK THE BOAT (Augustine Coll/Tim Lay/Paul Shinn, Banter, £13.99) This fast, furious and funny graphic novel is a clever reworking of…
How to make praise work
When it comes to delivering praise, a classic means of getting it wrong is missing kids getting it right. Do this at your peril – the…
Technology for feedback
Amiracle cure… the Holy Grail… the Rosetta stone for teachers everywhere. The transformative powers of technology have been sold to…
So long, farewell
Passmores is an 11-16 school, as some of you know, and it’s hugely important to us that the prestissimo start of examinations doesn’t…
What every teacher needs to know about differentiation
Of all the impossible tasks expected of poor, over-worked teachers, differentiation is one of the most troublesome. The generally accepted…
Home Truths
Some weeks ago there was a little flurry of new websites, launched to help parents rate and comment on their local schools. This idea…
What I Learnt at School: Derren Brown
I have fairly mixed memories of school. I went to Whitgift School in South Croyden; it had a boarding school feel to it, although it…
How to teach the shy kids
Alack of social skills can be detrimental to a student’s self-esteem, self-determination and success at school and in life. But how can…
What every teacher needs to know about… the effect size
There’s a slew of research out there telling teachers what to teach and how to teach it. But when you’ve got a Year 8 lesson to plan and…