Product Review: SISRA Online

  • Product Review: SISRA Online

​​An increasingly complicated school environment and an unremitting focus on attainment means there’s an appetite for data and a need for sophisticated data management.

​​An increasingly complicated school environment and an unremitting focus on attainment means there’s an appetite for data and a need for sophisticated data management.

Providing accurate data and upto- the minute interpretation of pupil information is the foundation for target-setting and an indicator for interventions to increase attainment. This is where you need not only a highly competent data manager and a clued-up senior leadership team but also a versatile and practical system in place to help crunch and analyse the numbers for school improvement. Which is where SISRA comes in.

SISRA Online is a web-based schools results analysis service from SISRA, which helps with the scrutiny of exams, mocks, and assessments by providing you with some pretty detailed interactive reports analysing performance by subject, class, gender, ethnic group, SEN Code, KS2 levels, Gifted and Talented, FSM and Children in Care. It allows you to see at a glance whole-school targets and spot weaknesses in an instant, and you can compare cohorts to see where improvements have been made or not.

Features include the very useful assessment tracker using colourcoded reports allowing for the active analysis of data and realdifference intervention. On top of this you get residuals reports for level playing field analysis and passes reports with excellent graphical analysis - spot on for cutting and pasting into departmental reports. You can also see how many students have the potential to obtain the English Baccalaureate and there are summary reports available for getting at your headline numbers when you need them sharpish. Grades reports and students reports complete the list of impressive things on offer for analysing subjects you line manage and for helping underachieving students.

There is little doubt that SISRA Online is an intelligent service which will save you time. It is efficient, quick, immensely functional and a must for identifying strengths and weaknesses but is there anything to spoil the party? I found the service a tad difficult to navigate but there is obviously a lot to learn and so it will help if you have someone to show you the ropes. Once I was in, I found drilling through the data fairly easy enough. For administrators, there are video tutorials to look at and there is an online chat window if you get in a pickle. There’s on-site consultancy available too. Look out for SISRA’s roadshows to find out more.