How to boost students’ intrinsic motivation
Motivation is defined as something that energises, directs and sustains behaviour. It can be considered a driving force that compels an…
Opinion: Phil Beadle on the price of integrity
It was my privilege on the day before the Easter holidays to deliver some ‘Literacy Across the Curriculum’ training in a school in…
Film club: loss and bereavement
Young people can find it particularly hard to understand and articulate their feelings about such issues and because of the…
Why teachers have to be brave
Society in general does not cope well with change. In fact, it often responds in such a way as to oppose the change that is trying to make…
Classroom Life: Marine Academy Plymouth
While the good ship Britain may have been battling to overcome a tidal wave of economic problems recently, three-year-old Marine Academy…
High impact, low effort CPD
Struggling to devote enough time and effort to CPD? Perhaps you need to change your approach, suggests Anna Pedroza Sir Tim Brighouse,…
Classroom life: All Saints Catholic School, Dagenham
The distinct perspectives and actions of young people throughout schools have increasingly become of interest to educators, school leaders,…
The importance of outside spaces for learning
During the winter children all over the country disappear for months on end. It’s dark when they leave home for school and then dark again…
Insurance advice for academies
Our secondary school is currently in the process of applying to become an academy, and amongst the many and varied issues we are naturally…
SEN advice from Carol Frankl
Is there a magic art to effective planning for meeting the needs of SEN children? I seem to find myself tied up in knots whenever I attempt…
Don’t be scared of school trips!
From accidents and lost children to boys sneaking into the girls’ dorm, we can all call to mind dramatic stories of what, in the worst…
Eileen Field: how to get the passion back
I started teaching five years ago (history, to A level) – and I have to be honest, it feels like 20. I was so excited when I got my first…
SEN: How to engage difficult students
Tough kids. They're the ones whose lives are compromised by the unpredictability of their functioning, or by the capricious nature of…