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We all know that a lot hinges on those summer exams, but how prepared, genuinely, are your students…


Lesson Plan: KS4 English, improving persuasive writing

​ Today you will… ...Develop your…

Subject: English and MFL, Ace-English, Ace-KS4

Lesson Plan: KS3 Mathematics, Rearranging Equations

​Today you will… Develop your algebra skills…

Subject: Maths and Science, Ace-Maths, Ace-KS3

Lesson Plan: KS4 MFL, Olympic values

​ Today you will… ...Reflect on the Olympic…

Subject: English and MFL, Ace-English, Ace-KS4

Lesson Plan: KS4 science, enzymes

​ Today you will… Investigate the function…

Subject: Maths and Science, Ace-Science, Ace-KS4

Lesson Plan: KS4 geography, global inequality

​ Today you will… ...Explore notions of…

Subject: Humanities, Ace-Geography, Ace-KS4

How exotic school trips can improve students’ outcomes

For Nigel Mountford, head teacher at Harwich and…

Subject: Outdoor Learning, Ace-Heads, Ace-Learning-Support

Lesson Plan: KS4 PSHE, personal finances

​ Today you will… ...Take part in…

Subject: Humanities, Ace-Citizenship, Ace-KS4

Lesson Plan: KS3 English, Dickens

Today you will… ...Scrutinise/examine…

Subject: English and MFL, Ace-English, Ace-KS3