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We all know that a lot hinges on those summer exams, but how prepared, genuinely, are your students…


Sound advice on purchasing educational software

​Investing in ICT (or anything else, for that…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

The importance of keeping technology in the classroom one step ahead…

​The ‘net generation’, children who have…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

How games-based learning can save teachers from marking hell

​Among the million tiny and delightfully varied…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

Lesson Plan: KS3 RE, Islam and prejudice

​ Today you will… Understand the idea of…

Subject: Humanities, Ace-Learning-Support

Lesson Plan: KS4 history, crime and punishment

​ Today you will… ...Take part in…

Subject: Humanities, Ace-History, Ace-KS4

Lesson Plan: KS4 MFL, conversation

Today you will… ...Develop spontaneity in…

Subject: English and MFL, Ace-English, Ace-Languages, Ace-KS4

Lesson Plan: KS3 English, gender and language

​ Today you will Investigate the relationship…

Subject: English and MFL, Ace-English, Ace-Languages, Ace-KS3

Lesson Plan: KS4 Science, our spectacular sun

​ Today you will… • Learn about our…

Subject: Maths and Science, Ace-Science, Ace-KS4