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We all know that a lot hinges on those summer exams, but how prepared, genuinely, are your students…


How social media can boost students’ achievement

​Working in an environment where many…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

Internet safety: expert advice

​Schools need to have access to information for…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

Improving home-school communication with technology

​Undeniably, parents are a child’s first…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

3 great ideas for your virtual learning environment

​Many educational organisations in the UK from…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

How tablet technology could transform your school

​ BETT 2013 Over 30,000 people will visit…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

Miles Berry rounds up the best apps for educational use

​For as long as computers have been used in…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

10 pieces of educational hardware students and teachers love

​Technology promises to deliver so much in the…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

Multimedia solutions for the flipped classroom

​The use of internet technology to take the…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing