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We all know that a lot hinges on those summer exams, but how prepared, genuinely, are your students…


How to make praise work

When it comes to delivering praise, a classic…

Subject: Comment, Ace-Heads

Where have all the maths teachers gone?

We need more teachers across the board; But…

Subject: Maths and Science, Ace-Maths

Keeping music on the curriculum

I’ve heard some fantastic music lessons over…

Subject: Music, The Arts, Ace-Music

Classroom Life: Royal Docks community school

For a long time, some of us have been saying to…

Subject: D&T, Ace-Design-And-Technology

Why we need to raise the profile of MFL

Having taught languages in England for over 30…

Subject: English and MFL, Ace-Languages

Supporting students with communication issues

Why is it that, despite the Bercow Report (2008),…

Subject: SEN, Ace-Learning-Support

Every teacher supporting every student

When I was asked to write this column, the brief…

Subject: SEN, Ace-Heads

Lesson plan: KS3 science – all about the weather

WHY TEACH THIS? Science and drama are not the…

Subject: Maths and Science, Ace-Science, Ace-KS3