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We all know that a lot hinges on those summer exams, but how prepared, genuinely, are your students…


How To Keep Your Students Safe Online

At Digital Awareness UK, we speak to thousands of…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

Will Schools Embrace New Technology?

It is safe to say technology is now all around…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

How to Harness Touch Screen Technology

Everywhere you turn you’ll see a youngster…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

Top Tips to Engage Parents in their Children’s Learning

It’s official – parents matter! In fact,…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

Prepare School Leavers For The Workplace

Most teachers would vehemently agree that there…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

Teachers Need To Be Allowed To Make Mistakes

With more and more technology being poured into…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Technology in PE

Today’s school children have no experience of…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing

Could 3D Printing Revolutionise Education?

Although 3D printing has been around since 1984…

Subject: Computing, Ace-Computing